Eläinlääkärin nimi: Herttualan Eläinlääkäriasema
Osoite: Silvolantie 3, 58410 Haapakallio
Puhelinnumero: 015252382
Sähköpostiosoite: herttualanellasema@gmail.com
Kotisivut: http://herttualanellasema.auttaa.fi
Eläinlääkärin nimi: Herttualan Eläinlääkäriasema
Osoite: Silvolantie 3, 58410 Haapakallio
Puhelinnumero: 015252382
Sähköpostiosoite: herttualanellasema@gmail.com
Kotisivut: http://herttualanellasema.auttaa.fi
Olen laatinut blogia parantamisesta.blogspot.com jossa on jo yli 900 kohtaa. Ohjeet sopuvat kai niin ihmisille kuin eläimillekin, jos joku osaa ne eläimille kommunikoida.
”g12. 23rd of August 2023 Some wonder why don’t I have a man, aren’t that the normal thing to be demanded from all. Why would I have pets or nothing except some distant overly wise old people and just normal aquiantages plus enemies as my social contacts. But I have always been intelligent in an objective way and with wisdom of life and a sense of responsibility as a wise person, so all or many have thought that it would be my job to write or to make some art, and that is consideted an important input in the world. So people tend to complain that if I have a man, there comes lots of such much lower skill level and much more unwise, much less responsible influencies from him to my work, and so it is not ok, especially since some stupidly guess that it is the spouce who should be in my work and not me, and so such & having a spouce is in practice prevented by others. In having a pet there is no such problem. I get company but no-one actually thinks that the pet should write to my bligs with it’s paws, or that I should replace my texts here and there by it’s advices, since pets are different in their understanding, so that at most my dogs had videos, a page at Petsie.fi and own blog, while the pet of some high official may for a similar reason have an own video channel, since the pet has developed unusually wise and responsible and is really a replacement for a family that one cannot have because the job is too important and demanding. ”
from my text ”Skills of Christmas gnomes” learntalents.blogspot.com